viernes, 31 de agosto de 2007

¡Qué coñazo con Holanda!

If you know me, i'm pretty sure i ever spoke to you about Holland and my time there: people is so civilized, it is cold, awesome parties in student residences, cuuuute girls... and thousands of boring moments. Am i going to lose the opportunity to do it in my blog?...of course not!
Dutch are famous because of their crazy creativity in advertising(no, they're not stoners, coffeshops are full of spanish, italians, drunk english and arabs, generally speaking, only arabs). Here i let you some examples. Let me know what you think of them.

Amsterdam Industriestad es el gremio de los fabricantes de la capital. El titular significa "Los sueños de hoy son los productos del mañana". Personalmente, me encanta, sobre todo, el arte de la pieza, pero el concepto es igualmente bueno o, ¿no es verdad que los sueños, algunas veces se cumplen?

Amsterdam Industriestad is the manufacturer's association in the capital. The main title means "The dreams of today are the products of tomorrow". Personally, i love it, specially the artistic part, but the copywriting is also good. Is it not true that dreams, sometimes become true?
Dedicated to the ICM people in Hogeschool Utrecht(Ben, Sarah, Nick, Jacq, Jerry, Kirsten, Dian, Gijs, Robin,...). Hope you guys are doing well!
Y, de regalo, un temazo de Kraak & Smaak, aquel grupillo holandes que descubrimos en Utrecht que resultaron ser unos cracks... say Pinkpop!
Kraak & Smaak - Mambo Solitario

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